At 2100, our vision is bold and our mission is urgent. We believe the time for change is now, and that a better future is within reach if we work together across generations to create it.

At the Nationale Conferentie Brede Welvaart 2023, the 2100 movement had the opportunity to share our vision for an economy where businesses are not only profit-driven but also impact driven.  Representing 2100, Shadi presented our forward-looking vision and our mission to foster intergenerational leadership across organizations and sectors.

The session also featured a dynamic panel moderated by Shadi, with valuable insights from members Julia van Boven, Pieter Lossie, and Maud Harstra. Pieter discussed the innovative tools being developed by 2100, including the generation test and true pricing strategies. Maud emphasized the advantages of intergenerational leadership for businesses, drawing from her experience at Invest NL. Julia addressed the challenges of integrating new concepts like the ‘generation test’ in current frameworks.

The session served as a fantastic opportunity to share our vision with leaders and executives passionate about fostering broad prosperity. It marked a powerful launch for the 2100 campaign, demonstrating that each of us has a role to play in shaping the future.

As 2100, we encourage you to:

  1. Reach Out
  2. Think with us
  3. Spread the Word