impact stories

Lianne de Bie on Fostering Intergenerational Leadership for the 2100 Movement

Within the dynamic landscape of societal transformation, individuals like Lianne de Bie emerge as catalysts for change. As a former Director of Slow Food Youth Network and a key figure within the 2100 movement, Lianne’s journey exemplifies a commitment to reshaping the trajectory of our economies and societies towards a future focused on well-being and sustainability. In this interview, Lianne shares her insights, motivations, and experiences within the impactful journey of the 2100 movement.

At 2100, we collaborate the coming 76 years to realize an economy that contributes to the well-being of current generations and generations in 2100. Why did you decide to make your career part of the 2100 movement?

I find it difficult to make an impact on my own. Especially because I want to work on a future world that deviates from the status quo. Without people who motivate, inspire and support me, there is a good chance that I will give up. That applies to many people. I find this ‘support network’ at 2100. This story illustrates the power of working together beautifully: Once upon a time, there was a man who had three sons. One day, the father said, “Bring me as many sticks as you can carry!” The boys ran into the forest to collect sticks, and all three of them returned with a large bundle of sticks. “Now, each of you take one stick,” said the father, “and try to break it.” “Very easy,” said the boys, and they each broke their sticks in half. “Now, bind all the sticks together with a rope,” said the father, “and try to break the whole bundle of sticks.” They tried one by one, but the sticks, which could be easily broken individually, were bound together as strong as steel. “You see,” said their father, “what you can do with these sticks can also happen to you. When you always fight alone, you can easily be broken. But together, you are strong; this applies to sticks, but also to people.”

Lianne, you participated as a young leader in an RvC Education Program, why did you participate? Where do you want to work towards?

That’s correct. Through 2100, I got the opportunity to take this program. It was a great opportunity to get to know the world of supervisory boards. This world is unfamiliar and difficult to explore for many young people. Through this course, I was able to take a first step into this world and acquire my first supervisory position. Where this will lead in the future, I do not yet know. A clear goal on the horizon works for some people, but not for me. I approach the world with an open, curious, and proactive attitude and take on my role as soon as I feel I can add value and make an impact. The 2100 network helps me to find and see these opportunities. For now, that involves gaining experience in change management at TEN HAVE Change Management, contributing as a core team member of 2100, and serving as a supervisor for Stichting De Noordzee.

How did 2100 help you to make this impact?

As a core team member of 2100, 2100 provides me with a very concrete way to make an impact. Namely, by helping to strengthen and expand this movement. Additionally, I learn a lot from other members of the network, for example, how they leverage their careers to make an impact and in what ways they are developing as impact professionals.

Why is it important that there are impact-driven executives / supervisory board members?

Transitioning to an impact-driven economy requires a systematic change. It requires a collaboration of initiatives from all layers of the system. And thus, including the top of the organizations.

What is the importance of intergenerational leadership?

The research is clear; companies with age-diverse boards are less risky and more resilient.

With her unwavering commitment to fostering intergenerational leadership within the boardrooms of today and tomorrow, Lianne de Bie embodies the values and aspirations of the 2100 movement. As we move towards a future where societal value takes precedence over mere financial gain, Lianne’s story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for impact-oriented leaders around the world.

Do you want to know more about 2100? Read our manifesto!